This games was physically painful in an awesome way. After about 20 minutes of playing each of the sports demos, tennis, baseball, golf, bowling and boxing, I couldn't lift my arms for two days or laugh without my core muscles hurting. It's a video game AND it's a workout, who'da thunk it?! It was about time something got gamers like myself up off the couch.
Though Wii included the demo versions of these games you can also purchase the full versions of all of them except Tennis. I don't know why. That was was the best in my opinion... It appears they are releasing a game called Top spin Tennis in the second Quarter of 2008 though, and sales will probably be given a boost by the anticipation of a full version tennis game. In the mean time Table tennis is available.

I'm not much of an athlete, the only sport I play is the occasional rec soccer game, so I handed over the controls to my brother in law who's an avid softball player to get a 'pro's' opinion. His only complaint was that the movement sensitivity was a bit low. that can be adjusted though and wasn't annoying enough for him to not ask my sister for a Wii for Christmas. Being a real "man's man", he didn't even mention the childish animation of the characters, so I'm assuming he either enjoyed it so thoroughly that he didn't notice, or he's been desensitised by having a 2 year old daughter. looking at gameshots of the full versions it appears they adultified the graphics. k, well maybe not in MLB Power Pros, but Tiger Woods PGA Tour & Victorious Boxer: Revolution appear to be well done and realistic.

My suggestion is: if you buy the Wii, don't bother investing in other games till you get sick of this demo, or invest in another set of controllers so you can play with friends. Got a bone to pick with a buddy? why not duke it out in the boxing ring? Boxing was, by far, the best multiplayer game in this set.
Gameshots courtesy of:
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