I’ll begin with the Bane of the Game.
Controls though very simple are a bit tricky in battle. Tal and Buki’s combos are difficult to get, because with each swing of your sword you have to follow what the game is telling you to do, otherwise your just hitting your enemy with regular sword swings, so you spend more time looking there than at what your character is doing.
...here I go off on a tangent about the controls. To view my tangent go here Sudeki - Having Combo Inadequacy Nightmares at Video Dr.'s - Bane of the Game. Or just continue reading below, if you're not at all curious...
Ailish’s septer thing is odd to shoot. It’s right trigger and aim with the right analogue stick, but they don’t tell you how to aim they just tell you how to shoot (If you have pre read the booklet, though you'd know). The right analogue is tetchy and there’s probably a way to adjust that, but the slightest move and your pointing ninety degrees farther than you wanted to.
My final complaint, so far, about this particular game is that you can’t jump, if you're just slightly to the side of a walk way or stairs you will just stop, forcing you to go around to the front. It's not much but being able to make tiny shortcuts here and there make a game more realistic. I don’t want to jump over boundary fences, I just want to step up little ledges and such.
Spells or skills are wonderfully animated and fun to use. Though when you’re controlling all four charaters it can get a bit confusing trying to remember who has which skill. I have gotten in the habit, so far, of using Tal’s shield then Elco’s battle or “nano” enhancement. It’s proving to be a very effective combo.
Because there are four characters there is such a range of what you can do in any given area. With Tal you can push large blocks and statues,
with Buki you can climb walls, with Ailish you can see invisible hidden objects and Elco has a jet pack so can fly. I found myself going back to common areas with a different character and making new exciting discoveries.

Spells or skills are wonderfully animated and fun to use. Though when you’re controlling all four charaters it can get a bit confusing trying to remember who has which skill. I have gotten in the habit, so far, of using Tal’s shield then Elco’s battle or “nano” enhancement. It’s proving to be a very effective combo.
Because there are four characters there is such a range of what you can do in any given area. With Tal you can push large blocks and statues,

I’m getting a bit tiered of fighting in dungeons and not being given any time to complete fun side missions, but that could be because I haven’t unlocked the tele-portal-thingy yet.
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