As much as I love it though, I have never finished the game due to one of several reasons.
- It’s best played during sleepover parties (yes, I still have these : )
- I refuse to play it in easy mode and inevitably get stuck fighting a Big Bad-Ass
- And there’s not enough hours in a day for me to play everything I want to play.
The game starts off in the men’s washroom at what I believe is a rest-stop just inside the boarders of the town of Silent Hill. A man called James had received a letter from his wife who’s been dead for 2 years, and now he’s in Silent hill trying to find her.

It’s great that the map updates as if James is writing on it with a pen. It would be better if he took clues like notebooks and wallets with him, though. I always have a notepad beside me when I’m playing so why can’t they just “write it down” for me. The puzzles, though frustrating at times, are great. There’s a huge sense of satisfaction when you finally put two and two together and it works! Like throwing the juice down that trash compactor to get a coin (I figured this one out after 2 hours of running in circles and finally going to bed to mull it over.)
I count all Silent Hills, as a group, among my all time favourite games. Let’s repeat I Love Silent Hill! Here however, are a few things that cause me endless grief in this particular version.
One: I can’t for the life of me, no matter how quickly I press R2 and X, swing at the freaky guys in the street and hit them at a speed that does justice to the panicky frightening and dangerous nature of the situation. Or the way I myself would clobber the same creatures if I were to meet them in real life. (I know, I would probably just turn and run, but that’s not the point! : )
And Two: Some of the dialogue in the cut scenes are redundant, obvious and quite ridiculous at times. Some examples:
The little things like (and these are all rough quotes from memory, not word for word): “Sure is foggy around here”, “it’ an ordinary washing machine” or “it’s a newspaper but it doesn’t look interesting”.
I just don’t get why he says things like these out loud or why the game allows you to interact with objects that have and never will have a purpose in the game. They seem like a waste of energy.***Click here: Silent Hill Ridiculous Dialogue Rant to go to my Video Dr. - The Bane of the Game page and view the tangent I went off on while further describing more ludicrous dialogue in SH2.***
All this lovely script writing aside, I’m determined this time to finish the game. No matter how long it takes or however many hours I have to play it on my own and freak the crap out of myself doing it. It shall be done!
Photos courtesy of http://www.gamespot.com